
Our Mission

The work of the Coffeelands Foundation ultimately impacts the lives of coffee farmers and the communities where they live. Growing coffee is hard, challenging work that has all the risks and rewards that come with any agricultural crop. It grows in lush, mountainous landscapes that can provide not only the income from the coffee but also food crops for the family, the market, and livestock. The satisfaction of working on the land is intangible yet has a draw that is timeless.

The risks are numerous - maybe more numerous than the rewards at times. Low prices, high costs of production and labor, changing environmental conditions, lack of technical training, too much rain, not enough rain, fungus, pests, frosts, lack of credit. These are just a few of the challenges facing coffee farmers. Yet, they persist - the intangible rewards for most of the time - outweigh the risks.

By supporting organizations that are directly addressing many of the problems faced by farmers and coffee growing communities the Coffeelands Foundation, through your support, can have a lasting impact.